Make no mistake, this issue is about to go national, with all the media attention on this issue focussed on the Cherry Creek School District. Here is what we can expect, as long as this issue remains topical, and perhaps long after.
1. People nationwide will become familiar with the Cherry Creek School District. This will not be a case of “any press is good press”.
2. Metro Denver is, for 2017, the #2 hot spot for people to live. This means that many people will be hyper aware of the publicity surrounding this matter.
3. The national coverage of the Cherry Creek School District and the pornography available to the students enrolled there will cause many….many…. people to rethink what district they want to move into, assuming that they still want to move to Denver.
4. The potential impact on property values and the tax base could be significant. Revenues for the school district and the encompassed cities and counties will suffer.
5. Given the scandal, and the resultant loss of tax revenue, the District will no doubt approach the voters, once again, with hands and bowls outstretched. “Please sir, can I ave some more?”
6. Voters will not give it to them, which will be entirely appropriate.
7. What they will give them, is elected school board members that will take back control of the district and fire Harry Bull, Scott Siegfried, and Jason Koenig all of whom they will hold accountable for their failure to prevent a cinder growing into a wild fire.
Taxpayers would do well to remember: We elect the School Board to repersent the wishes of the members of this community. They are not servants of the Administration.
Our Superintendent, Harry Bull and our elected Board Members are not doing any favor for taxpayers in this district! We need to get rid of them, and fast!