
Welcome to Concerned Citizens for School Databases.

This is a place for all parents concerned with obscene material and advertisements being made available to our children through K-12 School “Homework” Databases to get and share information regarding efforts being made to end this outrage.

EBSCO Information Service is a major supplier of school databases across the US (and internationally). Under the guise of  digital “homework” and “research” tools, and often locked down behind school issued passwords that parents don’t know, these databases are streaming ads for the 15 billion dollar Sex Toy industry, promos for hard core porn sites, and a myriad of images, ads, “stories” and articles that are obscene for minors.

Other K-12 database providers such as Cengage (GALE), ProQuest and Overdrive have also been found to stream obscene material at minors, including live links to Zaragosa Escort Services, inviting girls to SIGN UP.

We have never seen a rating or warning of any kind on any of these popular, school digital products. In our experience, librarians and school administrators are loath to talk about the problems and will not issue advisory notices to parents.

For the future, while we will not block any Comments, we retain the right and, frankly, the obligation to continue to report and comment on the outrageous behavior of the various school database providers,

It is an affront to human dignity, to our children, that these poor corporate citizens continue to stream the most vile and obscene material into the products that they supply to schools.

Nobody should profit from the sexual exploitation of children.