When asked what educational value advertisements for sex toys, available through the district websites, might provide to Middle School Education, BOE Member Karen Fisher replied, “I just don’t know. I defer these decisions to my education experts”.
When asked to apply pressure to the Cherry Creek District Administration to remove the pornography from the school websites, Karen Fisher replied, “the board really doesn’t have much influence over the administration”.
When questioned about removing the pornography from the school websites, a joint reply, in writing, from Brooke Gregory, Jason Koenig, John Kennedy, and Sarah Grobel stated (I paraphrase) that the material was necessary as an appropriate use of “controversial and sensitive material” and in the pursuit of the district’s goal of “inclusive excellence”.
When asked if the Dsitrict filters could filter out obscene text, Jason Koenig, the CIO, stated, “No, not really”.
When asked if the District filters could filter on inappropriate or obscene search terms, Jason Koenig replied, “No, it’s not possible”.
When asked if the District could disable the hyper links to even more obscene web sites, Jason Koenig replied, “No”.
In a telephone call with John Kennedy, just before threatening us, he stated that we needed to stop contacting the school and personnel in the school about this matter because it was not their decision to purchase the data base resources, “it’s the district’s decision”. Then he theratened us.
In a 2 hour meeting with Harry Bull, Scott Siegried, and Jason Koenig, Mr. Bull told us that we “would be suprised at the amount of autonomy the school librarians have. Many of them make their own decisions as to the data bases to use”.
Mr. Bull has called us “haters”, because we don’t want porn made available to school kids.
Mr. Bull has alluded to our “suspicious motivations”, because we don’t want Porn made available to school kids.
Mr. Bull informed us he had reported us to the Auroa City Police for using offensive language, after we quoted for material the District has made available to school kids.