Tag Archives: Cherry Creek Board of Education

Colorado’s “School Based Health Care”: Conflict of Interest?


The issue of youth suicide is an important topic that has been raised by lawmakers this legislative session. Colorado schools seem to do an inadequate job of addressing bullying and suicide. The bills that were introduced this session were redundant and weak, and at least one had some pretty glaring optics when it comes to financial conflicts of interest.

Of particular note, a suicide prevention bill with bipartisan support failed in the senate. HB18 -1177, proposed to lower the age of consent for mental health treatment, without parental consent, to 12 years old. It would also have funded unspecified “nonprofits” to issue suicide prevention training to community leaders, such as coaches or scout leaders.

HB18-1177 was sponsored by Don Coram and Dafna Michaelson, who sponsored a similar bill last year and presumably will bring it back again next year, perhaps under yet a different disguise.

The bill received support from families who were brave enough to share their personal stories of tragedy, but there were just too many loose ends for senate to pass it. Senators pointed out that the bill simply replicated numerous existing services such as Safe2Tell and many others.

At the hearing, Don Coram was chided by the Chairwoman for his sarcastic outburst when the bill failed, suggesting that those opposed to the bill just wanted to save education money by having children die.  His outburst was covered by Colorado Pols http://www.coloradopols.com/diary/107736/stay-classy-sen-don-coram-suicide-saves-money-edition#sthash.iiOP3tVu.dpbs

Let’s take a closer look at HB18-1177… is it really about suicide prevention or is that just the box sticker to create emotional appeal?

The language of HB18-1177 left a BIG BLACK BOX in between the identification of children requiring mental health therapy (but whose parents could not be trusted to be included in the loop), and the means by which a state designated mental health therapist would gain access to the child to deliver the counseling.

We were left wondering what something like this would look like…

A baseball coach is concerned about the mental status of a 12 year old kid on the team and decides to refer the child for counseling without informing the child’s parents.

How would this play out? Once convincing the child that they needed to see a shrink, would the coach arrange to pick them up around the corner where the parents couldn’t see? Hopefully not.

And we don’t mean to be glib about something as serious as a child needing help. But let’s be honest. This is an expansion of the burgeoning “School Based Health Care” (SBHC) industry in Coloardo. And yet nowhere in the language of HB18 – 1177 was there a single mention of SBHC. It is the only logical place that this type of service can be delivered to children, so why hide the fact?

Is there a financial conflict of interest?

Colorado’s SBHC is big business and it’s funded through grants from the CDPHE under the direction of Larry Wolk. Larry Wolk is the founder, and is on the staff at Rocky Mountain Youth Clinic – the state’s largest school based clinic. How can Larry Wolk be both the grantor and the (indirect) recipient of the grant without there being a conflict of interest?

Do parents know that school based health staff are able to enter classrooms to give instruction?

Do they know about Colorado’s LARC (Long Acting Reversible Contraception) Program, which entitles minors to obtain IUDs and other forms of birth control at school, without parental consent? Do parents know that LARC products are being promoted, by manufacturer name, through loaded “questions” in school issued “health surveys” (such as the highly controversial, Healthy Kids Survey)?

Do parents understand that HB18-1177 would have granted the power for school based health staff and their partners to issue mental health treatment to children as young as 12 years old, at school, during school hours, without parental notification…ever?

School based health care may have originated to serve community needs, but it seems to be morphing into something else. Are parents just in the way? Will they just bill Medicaid?

Do parents know that Colorado’s SBHC industry has produced documents which advise staff on pushing back against community concerns such as this one? The CASBHC is an admitted partner of our state CDPHE. Why would they need something like this?

Do parents know that school based health staff are also issuing “depression screening” to students? We have to assume the staff means well, but without any oversight what is to stop this train from casting the net ever wider, maybe 25% of kids need mental health counseling, maybe 50%, maybe 90%….

The lack of parental oversight, combined with the allure of millions of federal Medicaid dollars might just prove too irresistible to some clinics.

Parents are shut out of the loop. They have no ability to check the credentials of the therapist or evaluate the therapeutic outcome – because they don’t even know about it. And, as you might imagine, given the liability that would be integral to issuing any kind of treatment to a child without benefit of their medical records or parental input, HB18-1177 was laden with disclaimers to protect therapists and others from any malpractice or responsibility of any kind.

Concerned Citizens comments on HB18-117:


Does Colorado SBHC falsify documents to justify a radical agenda?

 In its Feb 2018 newsletter, the SBHC issued the following misinformation. An article titled “6 Things Parents Can Do to Create A Healthy Parent/Child Relatonship Around Gender” was falsely credited to the CDC. In fact this highly controversial document was not produced by the CDC, it was produced by the national affilitate, the School Based Health Alliance,

The article, which gives advise to parents for encouraging children to explore whether their biological gender is a good fit, can be found here   sbh4all gender fluidity doc

The CDC responded to our group with a letter confirming the document was not produced by the CDC and expressing their concern over the “unauthorized use of CDC branding”.  To be clear, the CDC has never published this kind of advice for parents. Encouraging children to question their biological gender is radical advice put out by the Gender Spectrum organization and School Based Health organizations. For more information regarding the growing controversy over the institutionalized push to confuse children about gender, check out 4th Wave Now  https://4thwavenow.com/ and Transgender Trend https://www.transgendertrend.com/ .

The so called “gender spectrum” theory is a dangerous pop culture myth targeting children for medical experimentation with pharmaceutical and surgical interference with normal biological development of the child. It is truly outrageous that Colorado’s SBHC industry should issue radical information under the misrepresentation that such material is endorsed by the CDC, thus eliminating and basically censoring any discussion or dissenting opinion, of which there is plenty.

Here is an excerpt of the response from the CDC in which it is clear that they did not issue the above document and have contacted school based health officials to reign them in.

In light of the recent bill, HB18-1177, which is sorely lacking in transparency when it comes to delivery of school based mental health care, there are some very serious questions to be asked about the direction of SBHC in Coloardo.

What are their goals?

And why in the world would Colorado SBHC feel the need to falsify documents in an apparent attempt to leverage increased credibility? And how does this lack of transparency feed into its plans for expansion?

If they have misled the public about their connection to the CDC, what else are they misleading the public about?

Bottom line: Youth suicide is a terrible concern for Colorado and it should not be exploited for profit or special interest.


Cherry Creek Parents- It is time to make a stand

It seems logical that if Scott Siegfried assumes his new role as Superintendent of the Cherry Creek School District, business as usual, as it was under the appalling leadership of Harry Bull, will continue.

Our children will continue to be at risk.

Secrecy, a lack of transparency, and a lack of accountability will continue to be the norm.

Is this really what we want?

If it is, then be preapred.

If this is not what we want, there is something you can do. Go to Say No To Scott Siegfried and sign the petition to have Siegfried removed as Superintendent.

Why Is No One Interested in the Whereabouts of John Kennedy?

Last August, the Cherry Creek School District was rocked by allegations that 2 District employees had been arrested and charged with the sexual assault of a minor. Following this, three Middle School Administrators were indicted for failing to report the abuse.

In one of the cases, the perpetrator, a man by the name of Brodderick Lundie, managed to have his name withheld from the District community for 4 months, presumably because of Superintendent Bull’s personal relationship with Lundie’s father.

Bad as that was, the 2nd episode of assault involved a Middle School teacher at Prairie Middle School who was charge with 31 counts of assault on a minor!

Following that, three Prairie School Administrators were indicted with failing to report the abuse of a minor.

Whether he will admit it or not, Harry Bull’s “retirement” announcement seems a direct result of these incidents and his failure to protect the children of this district. He will be gone and good riddance to him.

However, there is another high-level District administrator that has disappeared very quietly, like a puff of smoke in a breeze; John Kennedy.

Where is John Kennedy? There was no announcement regarding his separation from his job as the Executive Director of Middle Schools (remember, Prairie is a Middle school). There was no announcement of his retirement. There was no announcement of any reassignment. There was nothing but a unremarked and little noticed change of leadership in the Middle Schools from John Kennedy to Tracy Grant.

More curious yet is the glaring lack of interest anyone has in finding out what happened to Kennedy.

When you call the District to find out what has happened to Kennedy, you are told, variously, that he is “on leave”, that he “is on administrative leave”, that they don’t know where he is.

Communications to the district Communications Director, Abbe Smith, finally confirm that he is on leave due to “a personnel matter”.

Pressed, by a request under the Colorado Open Records Act, to clarify the nature and circumstances surrounding this “Administrative Leave”, Ms. Smith responds with spurious assertions of “attorney-client privilege”. Since John Kennedy is not represented, legally, by the district, there is no privilege to be claimed.

Further communications to Abbe Smith elicit the response that she misspoke and that John Kennedy is now being represented by his own attorney. Why? What does Mr. Kennedy need an attorney for?

A clue might be in a memo received by the District in response to a CORA request. This memo, dated last August, discusses the need for a replacement for John Kennedy at a regular meeting. The implication is, of course, that John Kennedy has been gone from the District since last August.

Let’s see? What happened last August that might have resulted in the placing of John Kennedy on Administrative leave?

Well, could it be the assault committed by the degenerate Brian Vasquez on the children of Prairie Middle School?

Could it be that these assaults triggered a series of events culminating in the indictments of Prairie Middle School administrators Dave Gonzales, Adrienne McIntosh, and Cheryl Somers?

It’s speculation, of course, as Kennedy’s removal might have nothing to with the sexual assaults on our children, or the failure to protect them, or the cover-up of the initial incident 5 years earlier.

This information has been supplied to metro news agencies. No apparent interest.

The District is stonewalling any further requests for the specifics around why John Kennedy is on Administrative Leave. They are required to provide this information but are blocking, delaying, and, frankly, bull-shitting around having to provide the basic information as to why John Kennedy is on Administrative Leave.

Why are local news organizations not pursuing this? Why is a shroud of secrecy being allowed to descend over this issue.

Harry Bull’s convenient announcement of his retirement, just hours before the Prairie Middle School indictments were announced, screams “cut and run”.

John Kennedy’s magical disappearance is worse. It is as if the man is a ghost; never worked for the District, don’t know who he is, or where he has gone.

Time to get the full story on why John Kennedy and the Cherry Creek School District have parted company. There has been enough secrecy in this District and, with Harry Bull gone, it is time to lift the shades and shine a light on what is happening. The community has a right to know.


The Legacy Of Harry Bull and the Cherry Creek School Board- A Cancer in the District

For months, people have been trying to get the attention of the CCSD School Board and that of Harry Bull regarding their lack of concern regarding the availability of pornography in the school EBSCO and other database resources.

Repeated and continuous attempts have been made to sound the alarm that there is something wrong with adults that do not see a problem with presenting graphic and dehumanizing images, sex toy advertisements, and videos to our school children. With good intent, our failure has been that we have focused on a symptom of the problem and missed the problem itself. It is clear from the recent arrests, of the perpetrators and of their administrative enablers, that the true nature and extent of the problem is beginning to emerge.

All of the so called “Doctors” in the district, who we have given the privilege of educating our children, have failed them. They have created, through some twisted ideology, a system that sexualizes our children and grooms them for the advances and predations of their peers. They have fostered a disease that has spread throughout our community like a cancer and they all bear responsibility for what has occurred.

In many, many school board meetings they were warned that their failure to protect our children would have consequences. Reference was made to the news stories out of the Los Angeles School District and its club of pedophiles. They were told that the rising incidence of sexual assaults against children was a natural consequence of sexualizing these children and of objectifying them in the perverted minds of some twisted adults. They were warned and now, here we are.

The recent arrests of district employees are no doubt the tip of the iceberg and they beg the question, what kind club are they running in this district? Why do teachers and even school board members, such as Dave Willman, have private Instagram and Twitter accounts that they share with children? Why is one Overland School Club being followed by a porn site? These things are completely unacceptable and the district’s failure to see and address these issues indicates something fundamentally corrupt.

No teacher, no district employee, no school board member should EVER have a private account of any kind that they share with children. No school or district club should ever allow a porn site to follow them or be following a porn site. What are you people thinking? Again, what kind of club are you running here?

I am convinced that in the weeks to come, there will be further allegations, perhaps additional charges. There are others that knew what was going on in this district.

In the off-chance that all of you “Doctors” in the district missed it, it is no coincidence that Harry Bull announced his retirement mere hours before the scandal at Prairie Middle School broke in the news. Do you really believe that Principal David Gonzalez, Assistant Principal Adrienne MacIntosh, and counselor Cheryl Somers all knew about Brian Vasquez but, somehow, Mr. Bull did not? If you do believe this, you possess a level of simple mindedness that precludes you being employed as any sort of an Educator.

It seems painfully obvious that simple common sense is not conferred with a Doctorate in Education.

Mr. Bull, you are a coward. You have attempted to avoid any of the blow-back that is sure to develop over the next several weeks by “skipping town”, so to speak. A better man would have accepted responsibility for his failures and made the determination to stamp out the problem and protect our children. You, unfortunately, are just a rank opportunist. I, certainly, do not thank you for your service to this community.

You have presided over a corruption of our children and their teachers that borders on the criminal.

You have placed the safety of our children as a distant second to your personal ambitions and self-interest.

You have covered up and hidden the most grievous of assaults on our kids.

You have abetted the disgraceful treatment of one of the victims by punishing her for the evil actions of her pedophile tormentor.

You have engaged in a program of disinformation designed to keep the parents of this community in the dark regarding the corruption in this district.

You should be ashamed of yourself but I fear you are not. Why would you be, at every board meeting you have a room full of sycophants all telling you how great you are.

Can any one of you “educators” imagine what you have done to the 14 year-old child that came to you for help regarding the assaults on her by Brain Vasquez, only to find that she was being made responsible and Vasquez made the victim? What kind of a twisted world do you all live in? In my opinion, this child’s civil rights have been violated in a grievous manner and the FBI should be investigating this district for a pattern of such abuses.

Given what I have seen at school board meetings over the past months, you will all no doubt take comfort in knowing that these Prairie Middle School administrators have only been charged with a misdemeanor and not a felony. I am not a lawyer but I cannot understand why they have not been charged as accessories after the fact as well as accessories before the fact, and with obstruction of justice. All 3 of these people knew about the actions of Brian Vasquez 4 years ago and engaged in an active campaign to force the 14 year old victim to recant her story and then they suspended her.


If this isn’t abetting Vasquez’s subsequent assaults and obstructing the course of justice, I don’t know what is.

In her letter to the parents of the Prairie Middle School community, Director of Middle Schools, Tracy Grant, closed by saying, “As always, the safety and security of our students is our highest priority”. What a sad, sad joke.

Ms. Grant will remember that approximately 10 years ago, she was informed that teachers at the Fox Ridge Middle School were displaying pornography to children in the class. This is on record. The safety of our children seems to be far from any priority with this school district.

Finally, it is instructive to remember that Mr. Bull, following the revelations of the Lundy and Vasquez sexual assaults, issued a memorandum on Sept 17, 2017 to all schools that any police investigations or any disciplinary actions against an employee, which are documented in writing, would now be required to be reported to the district HR department.

Obviously, then, prior to the sexual assault cases of Lundy and Vasquez, schools we NOT required to report misconduct issues. Why is this? Could it be, that not having these allegations on record with the district would allow the district plausible deniability, should the offense come to light? Do you need a Phd in Education to figure this one out?

And why does Mr. Bull so carefully couch his words that, in order to report an incident to the district, there must be a police investigation and/or a written reprimand. I would submit that ANY allegation against an employee must be reported to the district, recorded as an incident, investigated at the district level and resolved as substantiated or unsubstantiated. To do anything else provides just another opportunity for the district to deny knowledge and accountability……. and accountability is exactly what has been lacking under the mis-stewardship of Harry Bull.

Mr. Bull also goes to pains to specify that, in regard to a sexual misconduct allegation, they are to be reported only when it involves children outside the workplace. Children within the workplace are, apparently, fair game and these assaults need not be reported. It is all perfectly clear how the district values our children.

Harry Bull and the Cherry Creek Board of Education have been grossly derelict in their duty to our children. It is clear that they consider the district and its schools a personal playground to pursue their own agendas.